I am so very fortunate in the work that I do….I get to make people happy…It is pretty amazing!!! As I have developed and grown I have learned many things…One important thing that I have learned is that with every piece of furniture that I have painted, waxed, buffed and presented back to the owner; has a very personal story attached. It doesn’t have to be heirloom to be a valued piece, it is the memories of who owned it, who found it, what it was used for.
Today I am blogging about a piece that I did for a woman named Barb…She lives in Ortley Beach New Jersey in a brand new reversed living module home with beautiful ocean views….Her original home was swallowed up by Sandy three years ago..
Barb had this piece that was her mother in laws and thought it would be very useful as extra storage in her new home… We discussed colors prior and decided to paint the interior Annie Sloan Duck Egg Blue, and the Exterior Old White… Here are the results….. We used all of the original hardware we just sanded it down to the natural wood.
Another thing that has happen along my journey in developing and growing Harmonize Homes, is that I have made so many new friendships which makes me smile…
Checkout our price guide Harmonizing Homes Price Guide (5). We are taking appointments for November if you are interested in having a piece painted.